Barber in Evansville - short cuts, beard trims, fades



Roger’s Hair Show - 2nd Place Winner, Voted Top 5 Barbers in Tri-state Area Hot 96 Poll, 3 Years Barber at Evansville Shindig, Barber at Revolutions Ink Tattoo Festivals.

Hair Philosophy

My personal philosophy is simply a dedication to creating the best possible hair service for each and every client while maintaining a fun and personable relationship with them.

Outside the salon

I have a fiancee named Skylar and a stepson named Jasper. I have 2 cats and a frog. I'm a painter and do commission work. I'm a sumo wrestler. I help coach youth wrestling. I've been learning Japanese for almost 2 years. And I really enjoy cooking, especially ramen.

If I'm not at the shop I'm either hanging out with my family, camping, playing video games, or at sumo practice.

Bucket List

To travel to Japan.